Below is a core collection of reviews by our group (not all open access). For a complete list go HERE.
Heart rate variability and inflammation: A meta-analysis of human studies
Full-TextHRV & inflammation
A meta-analysis on pain sensitivity in self-injury
Full-Textpain sensitivity in self-injury
Resting vagal activity in schizophrenia: meta-analysis of heart rate variability as a potential endophenotype
Full-Textvagal activity schizophrenia
Child maltreatment and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis functioning: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Full-Textmaltreatment & HPA
Early life maltreatment and resting-state heart rate variability: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Full-Textmaltreatment & vagal activity
Vagally-mediated heart rate variability and depression in children and adolescents - A meta-analytic update
Full-Textvagal activity adolescent MDD
Transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of adolescent depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis of aggregated and individ
Full-TextrTMS adolescent MDD
A paucity of evidence in youth: The curious case of transcranial direct current stimulation for depression
Full-TexttDCS adolescent MDD
Pharmacological anti-inflammatory treatment in children and adolescents with depressive symptoms: A systematic-review and meta-analysis
Full-Textinflammation adolescent MDD
Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation in Pediatric Patients: A Systematic Review of Clinical Treatment Protocols and Stimulation
Full-TexttVNS in pediatric patients
Below is a core collection of experimental studies by our group (not all open access). For a complete list go HERE.
Transcranial direct current stimulation enhances effort maintenance in ADHD
Full TexttDCS in ADHD
The quest for a biological phenotype of adolescent non-suicidal self-injury: a machine-learning approach
Link to Full-Textmachine learning biology NSSI
Altered Psychobiological Reactivity but No Impairment of Emotion Recognition Following Stress in Adolescents with Nonsuicidal Self-injury
Full-Textemotion recognition under stress
Prefrontal cortex oxygenation and autonomic nervous system activity under transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation in adolescents
Full-TextPFC oxygenation tVNS
Psychobiological Correlates of Aggression in Female Adolescents with Borderline Personality Disorder
Full-Textaggression adolescent BPD
Vagal control of the heart decreases during increasing imminence of interoceptive threat in patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia
Full-Textvagal control & interoceptive threat
Vagally mediated heart rate variability and safety learning: Effects of instructions and number of extinction trials
HRV safety learning
A psychophysiological investigation of the interplay between orienting and executive control during stimulus conflict
Full-Textexecutive control during stimulus conflict
The physiological orienting response in female adolescents with borderline personality disorder
Full-Textorienting response adolescent BPD
Dynamics of Defensive Response Mobilization to Approaching External Versus Interoceptive Threat
Full-Textdefensive response mobilization
The effects of propranolol on heart rate variability and quantitative, mechanistic, pain profiling: a randomized placebo-controlled crossove
Full-Textpropranolol effects on HRV
Psychobiological response to pain in female adolescents with nonsuicidal self-injury
Full-Textpain response self-injury
Stress vulnerability in male youth with Internet Gaming Disorder
Full-Textstress response internet gaming disorder
Effects of acute transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on emotion recognition in adolescent depression
Full-TexttVNS and emotion recognition
Alterations of the endocannabinoid system in adolescents with non-suicidal self-injury as a function of childhood maltreatment
Full-Textendocannabinoid system in NSSI
Below is a core collection of clinical studies by our group (not all open access). For a complete list go HERE.
Indicated Stress Prevention Addressing Adolescents with High Stress Levels Based on Principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: A Rando
Full-Textstress prevention
Increases in orbitofrontal cortex thickness following antidepressant treatment are associated with changes in resting state autonomic functi
Full-Textbrain structure & HRV SSRI treatment
A randomized-controlled trial of heart rate variability biofeedback for psychotic symptoms
Full-TextHRV biofeedback psychotic symptoms
Autonomic Nervous System Activity and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Outcome in Adolescent Borderline Personality Disorder
Full-TextHRV & DBT for adolescent BPD
Effectiveness of adolescent identity treatment (AIT) versus DBT-a for the treatment of adolescent borderline personality disorder
Full-TextAIT vs. DBT adolescent BPD
Below is a core collection of studies from large consortia we participated in (not all open access). For a complete list go HERE.
The STAR collaborative nonsuicidal self-injury study: methods and sample description of the face-to-face sample
Link to Full-TextSTAR Sample Description
International Consensus Based Review and Recommendations for Minimum Reporting Standards in Research on Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulati
Full-TexttVNS reporting guidelines
Evidence for a modulating effect of transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) on salivary alpha-amylase as indirect noradrene
Full-TexttaVNS & salivary alpha-amylase
Cortical thickness and resting-state cardiac function across the lifespan: A cross-sectional pooled mega-analysis
Full-Textmega analysis cortical thickness & HRV
last update 2024 11 08
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